Hundreds of groups from all over the world have come together under the banner of Wild + Free for gatherings, such as:
Wild + Free groups are for homeschoolers, nature lovers, and those who have simply resonated with this community and want to know more. No matter what approach you take - we're all in this together.
This beautiful homeschool community is meant to be a welcoming place for all. No curriculum, race, philosophy, or religious affiliation should get in the way because we have so much to learn from each other. We want every group to be open to all mamas who desire to give their children a quality education, while also preserving the adventure and wonder of childhood.
A note about fathers: We believe fathers are vital to homeschooling, and we love when our groups plan events that include the whole family. But as a whole, Wild + Free was created to support homeschooling mamas. Our members say they feel more comfortable when events are mama-only, so our groups are considered to be for women and children only. This opens up lines of communication and allows for everyone in the group to freely share.